eISSN 2582 - 0559
“An Official Journal of IDA - Madras Branch”©2019.
Available online
Dr. A. Archana Meenakshi
Department of Periodontology and Implantology,
Ragas Dental College and Hospital, Chennai, Tamilnadu, India.
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Website: jidam.idamadras.com
A maxillary sinus floor augmentation procedure
(also known as sinus lift / sinus procedure) is
a surgical technique to augment bone mass in
the maxilla which increases the likelihood of
successful placement of dental implants. The
revolutionary concept of osseointegration is
considered highly predictable. Today the implant
supported oral restorations are among the most
updated treatment options for treating edentulous
or partially edentulous jaws opting for a fixed
prosthesis. This study aimed to assess the safety
and efficacy of a minimally invasive technique
for maxillary sinus elevation using the sinus lift
Address for correspondence:
balloon system (Zimmer Dental); followed by
augmentation of the sinus with cancellous bone
Dr. A. Archana Meenakshi, MDS.,
allograft (RMTB) and to evaluate the clinical and
radiological outcomes of sinus floor augmentation
Department of Periodontology and
procedure using OPG, over a one-year period.
Ragas Dental College and Hospital, Chennai,
KEYWORDS : Osseointegration, Schneider’s
Tamilnadu, India.
membrane, pneumatization, osteotome, MIAMBE.
: 26.7.2019
: 12.9.2019
: 27.12.2019
JIDAM/Volume:6/Issue:4/Pages 125 - 130/October - December 2019
Archana: Sinus floor augmentation by sinus-lift balloon system
with different carrier materials. Irradiated allogenic
cancellous bone and marrow particulate grafts
Oral rehabilitation with implant supported
randomly sized between 2-3mm have also been used
prosthesis is considered the therapeutic procedure of
as bone substitute for autogenous bone graft.
choice for partially or completely edentulous patients.
Implant success and primary stability are greatly
affected by localized bone density, with implants
placed in areas of poorer bone quality associated with
1. To assess the safety and efficacy of a minimally
high failure rates1. The posterior region of edentulous
invasive technique for maxillary sinus elevation
using the Sinus lift Balloon system
maxilla frequently presents insufficient bone for
Dental); followed by augmentation of the sinus
rehabilitation by means of endosseous implants. This
with Cancellous Bone Allograft (RMTB).
might be because of alveolar bone resorption and
pneumatization of the maxillary sinus2. One method
2. To evaluate the clinical and radiological
that makes implant placement possible in such
outcomes of sinus floor augmentation procedure
difficult situations is the augmentation of maxillary
using OPG, over a one-year period.
sinus using various graft materials. This procedure
involves the detachment of Schneiderian membrane
from the maxillary sinus floor, creating a space filled
The study included a total of 10 patients
with grafting material, to promote vertical bone
,7males and 3 females, aged between 25 to 60 yrs,
augmentation into the maxillary sinus cavity.
for implant placement in the edentulous posterior
maxilla. Informed written consent to participate
1994, Summers introduced osteotome
in this study was obtained from all patients, after
sinus floor elevation,
explaining the objectives and protocol of the study,
and possible side effects.
Patients were selected using the following criteria:
Fig 1- Osteotome sinus floor elevation technique
• With a unilateral or bilateral loss of teeth in the
maxillary premolar or molar area.
which is a minimally invasive technique that allows
for localized maxillary sinus elevation, in alveolar
• Crestal bone height greater than 5mm below the
crest with a residual bone height of 5 - 10 mm3. A
sinus floor as determined by an OPG.
minimally invasive technique for sinus membrane
• Patients with Class B, division-V
(MIAMBE) which is a modification of
Defect) were included (ABC classification by
osteotome technique using balloon inflator secured
Hom-Lay Wang 2008)5. a) The bone crest is 6
into the osteotomy site was introduced by Kfir et al
to 9mm from the sinus floor. b) The bone width
(2006) 4. In this technique, inflation of the balloon
is 5mm or more. c) The bone crest is more than
elevated the sinus membrane, which was followed
3mm from the adjacent CEJ.
by bone augmentation and implant placement.
MIAMBE resulted in high procedural success,
• Patients with good oral hygiene and without any
satisfactory bone augmentation, implant survival
active periodontal disease were selected.
and less complication rates. Because it is minimally
invasive, this technique may be used as an alternative
to the existing sinus augmentation procedures. A wide
• Systemic conditions such as uncontrolled
variety of graft materials have been used to augment
diabetes mellitus, hypertension or any other
bone volume within the sinus: demineralised freeze
contraindicating systemic complications.
dried bone allograft
(DFDBA), hydroxyapatite
preparations, calcium phosphate preparations and
• Patients with immunosuppression and bleeding
xenografts as well as growth factors embedded
JIDAM/Volume:6/Issue:4/Pages 125 - 130/October - December 2019
Archana: Sinus floor augmentation by sinus-lift balloon system
• Patients with orofacial cancer, chemotherapy or
head and neck radiotherapy twelve months prior
to the surgery.
• Any pathological lesion in the sinus.
• Untreated active periodontitis in neighbouring
• Patients with long term steroid therapy or
bisphosphonate medication.
• Patients who are not current smokers.
• Pregnant women and nursing mothers.
Fig 3a & 3b - Sinus lift balloon system
• Any previous history of sinus surgery.
The Sinus-lift balloon system (Zimmer Dental)
• Patients with any drug abuse including alcohol.
was developed to gently elevate the Schneiderian
membrane with minimal trauma and without the
use of sharp instruments.
Preprocedural panoramic radiographs were
The apparatus is a pneumatic device consisting of
a 5ml syringe, polyvinyl chloride (PVC) tubing
used to assess the vertical bone height (VBH) below
and a metal shaft with the tip connected to a
the sinus lining.
latex mini balloon with an inflation capacity of
approximately 5cm3.
The amount of saline placed in the syringe was
determined by the number of millimeters the
sinus membrane would need to be elevated -
1cc of saline solution corresponds to 6mm (+/-
0.5mm) of membrane elevation.
Fig 2 - Tracing of OPG
Digital periapical radiographs were taken
before the procedure was initiated. Evaluation of
VBH from the alveolar crest (arbitrary horizontal
line joining the CEJ of the adjacent teeth) to the floor
of the sinus, was done using OPG. The following
three points were marked on the arbitrary horizontal
line joining the CEJ. • Point A- 2mm from the mesial
tooth. • Point B- Midpoint from the line joining point
A & C. • Point C- 2mm from the distal tooth. From
these 3 points mentioned above, vertical arbitrary
Fig 4 - Bone graft
lines were drawn to the floor of the maxillary sinus
and the values were recorded.
Irradiated allogenic cancellous bone and
marrow particulate bone graft
(Rocky Mountain
Tissue Bank, Denver, Co) randomly sized between 2
to 3mm has been used as a bone substitute for sinus
augmentation in this study. It is a trabecular allograft
obtained from the spinal column and treated with 2.5
JIDAM/Volume:6/Issue:4/Pages 125 - 130/October - December 2019
Archana: Sinus floor augmentation by sinus-lift balloon system
and 3.8 megarads of radiation.
slowly inflated with gentle inflating pressure with
Under local anesthesia, alveolar mid-crestal
horizontal incision was
Fig 7a,7b & 7c - Balloon inflation of the surgical
site done
normal saline (1cc of saline solution corresponds
to 6mm of membrane elevation). Digital periapical
radiographs were taken to assess the balloon inflation
Fig 5 - Incision placed
and the extent of sinus floor elevation at the surgical
site during the procedure. Once the desired elevation
placed in the edentulous site and connected with
(usually greater than
10mm) was obtained, the
sulcular incision of adjacent teeth. Mucoperiosteal flap
balloon was deflated. A second test of membrane
was elevated exposing alveolar crest of the bone. No
integrity was done by Valsalva manoeuvre. Irradiated
vertical releasing incision was used and the flap was
allogenic cancellous bone and marrow
reflected not exceeding the alveolar ridge. Cortical
was filled under the elevated sinus membrane
perforation was done using a round bur, followed
using bone condensers.
Simple interrupted
by pilot drill reaching about 1mm short of the sinus
sutures were placed using 3-0 silk suture material.
(After radiographic verification of the sinus
floor with digital periapical radiographs). Sequential
expansion of the osteotomy site was achieved
Fig 8 - Flap sutured
Fig 6a & 6b - Flap elevated and pilot drilling of the
surgical site done
Post-operative instructions and antibiotic coverage
were given. Patients were examined after a week
using a series of osteotomes (from 3.8mm to 5mm)
and suture removal was done. The grafted sinus was
in graduated diameters, to laterally condense the low
allowed to heal for 6 months.
density maxillary bone. Care was taken to gently
penetrate the sinus floor and slightly elevate the
Schneiderian membrane to allow 3mm of access for
the deflated balloon. Valsalva maneuver is followed.
The sinus lift balloon was anchored and secured
During the 3 months and 6 months follow-up
into the osteotomy site. Then the balloon was
JIDAM/Volume:6/Issue:4/Pages 125 - 130/October - December 2019
Archana: Sinus floor augmentation by sinus-lift balloon system
period, radiographic assessment
The present study was undertaken to assess
the safety and efficacy of a minimally invasive
technique (MIAMBE) for maxillary sinus elevation
using the sinus lift balloon system (Zimmer Dental);
followed by augmentation of the sinus with irradiated
cancellous bone allograft (Rocky Mountain). The
implant placement was planned after a six-month
follow-up period. It is generally preferred to delay
implant placement by several months after the
Fig 9 - post-operative IOPA
grafting phase, to allow adequate graft maturation.
In the present study, the radiographic assessment
of the vertical bone gain in the augmented sites was
was based on panoramic radiographs. Although CT
done using OPG at the three reference points (A, B,
scan is considered to be the most accurate means
for the diagnosis of sinus pathologies and for the
evaluation of sinus membrane thickness, periapical
and panoramic radiographs were also frequently
used to diagnose radiodensities and mucosal cysts
The paired ‘t’ Test was adopted to evaluate
(Casamassimo PS1980)8. OPG can only be used
the significance of differences in the mean bone
for the assessment of bone height because it offers
height (MBH)
only a two-dimensional view, therefore volume
measurement could not be assessed. There was a
significant increase in the mean bone height (MBH)
post-operatively at the 3 months follow-up period,
• Clinically, no complications were observed
which consistently increased during the 6 months
during or after the surgical procedure.
follow-up period at the 3 reference points (A, B,
• No signs and symptoms of maxillary sinus
C).This study utilized irradiated allogenic cancellous
bone and marrow graft (RMTB) for augmentation
of the sinus. It has been shown that among all
• There was a significant increase in the mean bone
available allografts, irradiated bone is most similar to
height (MBH) post-operatively at the 3 months
autogenous bone, demonstrating rapid replacement
follow-up period.
& consistent establishment of a reasonable ratio of
• Point A- 2.3mm,
new bone6. NS Soltan et al (2005)9 reported antral
membrane balloon elevation via a lateral bone
• Point B -3.2mm,
fenestration. The procedure was highly successful
• Point C- 1.8mm
and predictable. Xiulian Hu et al (2009)10 assessed
the efficacy and safety of MIAMBE followed by
• Which consistently increased during the 6 months
bone grafting and implant placement in 28 patients.
follow-up period (point A- 2.7mm, point B- 3.34
MIAMBE can be used as a predictable alternative to
mm, point C-2mm)
the invasive sinus augmentation procedures which
are currently in use.
First introduced by Dr. Hilt Tatum in 1974,6
sinus lining elevation was done using inflatable
Within the limits of this study, the following
catheters between 1975 - 1979. Boyne and James7
conclusions have been elucidated:
authored the first publication on the technique in 1980
• MIAMBE is safe and effective for maxillary sinus
- when they published case reports of autogenous
augmentation. The procedure yielded satisfactory
grafts placed into the sinus and allowed to heal for
bone augmentation results.
6 months, which was followed by the placement of
JIDAM/Volume:6/Issue:4/Pages 125 - 130/October - December 2019
Archana: Sinus floor augmentation by sinus-lift balloon system
• This procedure eliminates the complications,
5. Hom-Lay Wang; Katranji, Amar. ABC Sinus
discomfort and also shortens the surgical time.
Augmentation Classification.
Journal of Periodontics & Restorative Dentistry
• Particulate irradiated cancellous bone allograft
2008, Vol. 28 Issue 4, p382-389. 8p. 1 Color
(RMTB) augmentation was biocompatible
Photograph, 11 Diagrams, 1 Chart.
and seemed to improve new bone formation
6. Tatum H Jr (1986). “Maxillary and sinus implant
in sinus grafting. It can be used as a substitute
reconstructions”. Dent Clin North Am. 30: 207-
for autogenous grafts in sinus augmentation
7. Boyne PJ, James RA. Grafting of the maxillary
sinus floor with autogenous marrow and bone. J
Thus, it is appropriate to conclude that, sinus
Oral Surg. 1980 Aug;38(8):613-6.
floor elevation using
“Sinus-lift Balloon System
8. Casamassimo PS, Lilly GE. Mucosal cysts of
(Zimmer Dental)” has obvious advantages, paving
the maxillary sinus; A clinical and radiographic
way for maximal augmentation of the sinus for
study. Oral surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 1980;
successful implant placement in future. Because it is
minimally invasive, this technique may be used as an
9. Soltan M, Dennis G. Smiler: Antral membrane
alternative to the currently employed maxillary sinus
balloon elevation: J Oral Implantol 2005:31:85-
augmentation methods. However, further controlled
clinical trials with large sample size, advanced
10. Xiulian Hu; Ye Lin; Metzmacher, Arnulf-Reimar;
radiographic and histomorphometric analysis should
Yu Zhang. Sinus Membrane Lift Using a Water
be executed to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of
Balloon Followed by Bone Grafting and Implant
this technique compared to other sinus augmentation
Placement: A 28-Case Report. International
Journal of Prosthodontics . 2009, Vol. 22 Issue 3,
p243-247. 5p. 7 Color Photographs, 4 Black and
White Photographs.
There are no conflicts of interest.
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